
José Manuel García

jose manuel garcia

Madrid Office
+34 91 522 74 20

Position at H&A:
Head of Herrero&Asociados Madrid


As the capital of Spain, Madrid has always been the country’s main judicial demarcation. Among other national and international agencies, the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO), the Supreme Court of Justice and the Ministry of Finance (responsible for Spain’s customs authorities) are all headquartered in Madrid.

Since the legal reform of 2023, the Appeal Court of Madrid (Commercial Law section) hears most of the appeals against the SPTO’s and the Commercial Court’s resolutions. As it is the go-to authority for non-Spanish entities, most international companies’ cases are processed and heard of by these bodies located in Madrid.

As the geographical and logistical epicenter and one of the areas with the highest concentration of business in Spain, Madrid is the region with the most counterfeit products and anti-piracy operations in the whole country.

As Herrero&Asociados’s global Headquarters, containing a large part of H&A’s strong patent and trademark professionals, the Madrid office centralizes, prosecutes and enforces a great part of the firm’s international clients’ IP rights before the European Patent Office (EPO), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the SPTO, and other public bodies before which H&A provides its clients with legal and technical services. It is also the home to our centralizing Latin American Desk which bundles our long-standing expertise in different LATAM jurisdictions and is for many of our clients the connecting point to our Latin American offices and teams.


Jorge Lorenzo

jorge lorenzo

Barcelona Office
+34 93 238 87 00

Position at H&A:
Head of Herrero&Asociados Barcelona
Co-director of H&A’s Domain Department, Partner

Lawyer – Official Spanish Industrial Property Agent

Barcelona has a large business concentration, with a very important innovative and exporting activity, concentrating most of the inventive activity in the pharmaceutical sector in Spain, alongside other important technological areas such as universities, automobile manufacturers and hospital investigation centers, which makes it a very important IP hub at a national level.

The Commercial Courts and the Appeal Court of Barcelona were the first in Spain to open sections specialized in patents and trademarks respectively, even before other Spanish regions did the same much later in 2017. As a result, Barcelona has a great patent litigation tradition.

This judicial tradition, combined with infrastructures such as its airport and seaport, and events of worldwide relevance such as the World Mobile Congress, make it essential to have a solid team in Barcelona, specialized in prosecution and enforcement of IP rights. H&A’s team has IP agents, European Patent Attorneys, and skilled litigators, ready to serve both international and domestic clients, whether in English, Spanish or Catalan, before the SPTO, the EPO or Barcelona’s IP courts.


Roberto Orts

Alicante, Murcia and Málaga Offices
+34 96 52 08 58

Position at H&A:
Head of Herrero&Asociados Alicante, Murcia and Málaga Offices

Lawyer and Partner

Alicante (Lucentum in Latin) has an amazing Intellectual Property tradition for a “small beach town”. Headquarters of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), as well as the Magister Lucentinus prestigious Master’s degree, Alicante is one of Spain’s most important IP hubs.

Probably as a natural consequence of EUIPO’s large presence, Alicante’s Commercial Court and Appeal Courts are the judicial body designated to serve as Spain’s Community Trademark Courts, hearing all cases involving European Union trademarks and Community designs taking place in Spain.

As the third largest EU agency (after FRONTEX and EMA), EUIPO hosts many training courses and other educational seminars which Herrero&Asociados’s trademark and design attorneys often attend to. Furthermore, while most of EUIPO’s activity is nowadays virtual, there are still often oral hearings at EUIPO’s office. Therefore, H&A’s Alicante office has been key since 2005 for the firm’s EU trademark and design practice, and its ability to protect it’s clients’ rights both at a general level throughout the EU, as well as at a specific level in Spain.