Gustavo González Peces

Gustavo Adolfo González Peces

Madrid Office
+34 91 522 74 20

Position at H&A:
Head of Electronic and Electromechanical Patents Department.
Head of Industrial Designs and Trade Secrets Department.

Industrial Engineer 
European Patent Attorney 
Spanish Patent Attorney 


  • Industrial Engineer, specialising in Industrial Electronics, School of Industrial Technical Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (1999).
  • Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering from Antonio de Nebrija University (2015).
  • European Patent Attorney (EQE 2012).
  • Spanish Patent and Trademark Attorney (2015).
  • Professional representative before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) (2019).
  • Diploma on Patent Litigation in Europe – Université de Strasbourg – CEIPI – (2019).
  • Master’s Degree in workplace risk prevention.

Professional Awards:
Featured in Leaders League (Intellectual property Attorneys, Patent Prosecution).

Spanish, English.


Graduate in Industrial Engineering, specialising in Industrial Electronics from the School of Industrial Technical Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (1999) and graduate in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering from the Antonio de Nebrija University (2015), with a diploma on patent litigation in Europe from the Université de Strasbourg, CEIPI.


Co-author of the book "Factbook, Inustrial Property", Aranzadi Editorial, S.A. 2002 and collaborator of the publication AJA (Aranzadi Legal News).

Author of “El Diseño Industrial que viene” in Legal Today Magazine.


Gustavo joined H&A in January 2000 and since then has been active in practically all areas related to the drafting and prosecution of patent applications in Spain and other countries, as well as PCT applications and European Patents.

He also has wide experience in Industrial Designs, as well as in patentability studies, infringement reports and in conducting state-of-the-art searches.

Among his fields of expertise are medicine and implantology as well as consumer goods, transport and applied mechanics.

Gustavo has given many talks to non-professionals on different aspects of Industrial Property, at such varied venues as private companies and universities. He has also contributed to different IP publications.

He is currently a tutor in the courses organized by the EOI (School of Industrial Organization) and by the COAPI (Official Association of Spanish Industrial Property Attorneys). He also collaborates lately as a tutor for the RedTransfer Association, currently in the area of Trade Secrets.

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