jesus gonzalez

Jesús González Ahijado

Madrid Office
+34 91 522 74 20

Position at H&A:
Head of Patent Department

Industrial Engineer


  • Engineer Technical Industrial Mechanics, Construction Machinery, by EUITI of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Professional Awards:
Featured in IAM Patent 1000 (2020-2022-2023-2024).
Recognized by Managing Intellectual Property (MIP)-IP Stars as a Patent Star 2024.

Spanish, English, French.


Jesus Gonzalez began his career in industrial property in 1984 joining H&A in 1990. Since 2003 he is Manager of Patents.

He's an ASIPI member.

Speaker and lecturer at various institutions and universities UNIVERSITY OF ZARAGOZA, ROVIRA I VIRGILI UNIVERSITY CENTER ALITER. Industrial Property course in the Master of Biotechnology, IIR, CARTIF as well as numerous customers.

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