Contracting Party of The Hague System: YES
Applicable Law:Ā
Industrial Property Law 9279/96.Ā
Grace period for filing applications, from disclosure:Ā
180 days.Ā
Multiple design applications -one application for different embodiments-available:Ā
YES, the application must refer to a single object, a plurality of variations being permitted, provided that they are destined for the same purpose and maintain between them the same distinctive characteristic, each application is limited to a maximum of 20 variations.Ā Ā
Formal filing requirements:Ā
Drawings, including all views of the object. The object shall be presented in all orthogonal views (front, rear, upper, lower and both sides) andāÆat least oneāÆperspective.āÆ Figures should not be technical drawing boards and should not contain frames, measures, texts, symbols, cuts, indication of scale and any kind of information.āÆTheāÆfigures should consist of continuous, uniform and firm lines (no dotted lines are allowed), and it is well to point out that all views must be sufficiently clear and show a high graphic resolutionāÆ(at least 300 dpi).Ā
Brief description of the object.
Locarno class.
Power of Attorney (neither notarisation nor legalisation required). 60 days from filing. (unextendible)
Assignment document (neither notarisation nor legalisation required), when applicable. 90 days from filing.
Priority document, when applicable. 90 days from filing unextendible. Mandatory Portuguese translation. WIPO DAS Code is also acceptable since August 1st 2023. No translation is required with this system.Ā
Locarno classification:Ā
Deferred publication:Ā
Yes, 180 days.Ā
Nullity proceedings may be instituted ex officio or at the request of any person with a legitimate interest within 5 years from granting. A request or an ex officio institution will suspend the effects of grant of a registration if presented or published within 60 days from grant.Ā
Average time from filing to grant:Ā
1-2 years.Ā
Term of Protection and Maintenance:Ā
25 years: initial term of 10 years renewable for 3 successive terms of 5 years.Ā