The INPI announces that applications for participation in the PCT-PPH modality have reached their limit for 2023

Request for participation in the PCT-PPH modality reached its limit for 2023.

On 06/13/2023, the BRPTO published a notice that the limit of 100 participation requests per annual cycle was reached using the results of the PCT, within the scope of phase IV of the PPH Pilot Project. Consequently, new applications for this modality will not be accepted.

The participation limit meets the provisions of Article 5⁰, Item IV, of Ordinance INPI/PR No. 78, of December 16, 2022.

We remind that the PPH fast track procedure may still be requested based on the results of the national or regional partner institute that examined the patentability of a patent application of the same family before the BRPTO.

According to the Ordinance, up to 800 participation requests may be received per annual cycle.

Head of H&A Brazil. Lawyer.